Sarasota Fly Fishing


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Fly Fishing for Jack Crevalle – a Terrific Game Fish!

Sarasota fly fishing charters

Fly Fishing for Jack Crevalle – a Terrific Game Fish!

This article will focus on fly fishing for jack crevalle. The article begins with a “story” of a fun fly fishing charter and then gets into the more technical aspects of fly fishing for jacks.

Fly fishing for jack crevalle

jack crevalle fly fishing

It was a foggy Sunday morning during Christmas week. That means that the traffic was going to be heavy as it was a beautiful day that hit 80°. We spent the first half hour hitting a likely shoreline in a creek with an outgoing tide, but with no luck. I was headed to another spot when all of a sudden a small bunch of fish started working on the surface.

Greg’s cousin Mike grabbed the spinning outfit with the Bass Assassin Sea Shad jig and grub combo while Greg scrambled for the seven weight fly outfit that was rigged and ready. Mike got is bait in the water first and was instantly hooked up to a fish. By the time Greg got his line stripped out and was ready to go the fish had moved past us.

fly fishing for jack crevelle

Mike fought the fish well, letting the scrappy 3 pound Jack in several minutes. We held it up for a quick photo, then released it unharmed. Now that we were all set up, I tried to find the fish again. However, after idling in the direction that they were swimming and looking around for several minutes, we did not find them and moved on.

After a short “no wake zone”, I jumped the boat up on plane and had not gone for more than half a mile when we saw several more bunches of fish. A couple were in the deeper channel, in 10 foot of water while others were on the shallow flats in a couple feet of water. Since we were fly fishing, we decided to target the shallow fish.

Jack crevelle fly fishing techniques

After several attempts to get the boat in position, a school of jacks popped up 15 feet away from the boat and downwind. Greg was on the bow with the wind over his casting shoulder and the school of forging fish and easy cast away. He lay the fly out perfectly stripped it several times and a large jack crevelle charge the fly, half of its back sticking out of the water. It was an epic take!

fly fishing for jack crevelle

Mike was on the stern and had also hooked up, this time using a shallow diving Rapala since we were in only a couple feet of water. Fortunately, the fish went in different directions and it was easy to fight the two fish to the boat. Mike released another 3 pound fish while Greg landed a nicer Jack of around 7 pounds. The action continued for another couple hours with the fellas landing a half dozen fish each.

Eventually, the Sunday morning boat traffic put the fish down. However, this is a perfect example of “opportunity fishing”. The plan was to target snook along mangrove shorelines as neither Mike or Greg had ever caught one. The big jacks were a most welcome distraction and an excellent example of why it is important to be rigged and ready and also being flexible on your fishing strategy.

fly fishing for jack crevelle

While jack crevelle are available year-round, the most consistent fishing for them here in Sarasota and in most of Florida is in the cooler months. Our fish average 3 to 5 pounds while fish on the East Coast can be significantly larger. It is not uncommon to run into jacks that are pushing 20 pounds in the inshore waters.

Best tackle for fly fishing for jack crevalle

Anglers targeting jack crevalle on fly need to adjust their tackle to the fish that are generally found in the area. Greg enjoyed the action using a 7wt outfit. That was borderline for a couple of the larger fish. Anglers fishing on the East Coast of Florida and in other tropical destinations where jacks grow large may have to bump the tackle up as high as a 10wt outfit.

Sarasota river fly fishing

I prefer to use an intermediate sink tip line for the vast majority of the fly fishing we do in Sarasota. Seldom do we actually target fish on flats in water between one and 2 feet deep. Therefore, an intermediate sink tip line is more versatile. Anglers can begin stripping as soon as it lands and still keep the fly up high in the water column. But, they can also allow it to sink and work the 4 to 8 foot depths where speckled trout, mackerel, and other species are found.

Many fly anglers over complicate the leader, in my opinion. I prefer to keep the leader simple. That morning when Greg was catching those jacks, the leader consisted of 4 feet of 40 pound fluorocarbon with another 3 feet of 30 pound fluorocarbon. That, combined with a weighted fly, in this case a Clouser Minnow, resulted in the fly turning over easily.

Fly selection is pretty easy when it comes to targeting jacks. Any small bait fish pattern that remotely resembles the forage that are being devoured should elicit a take. In this case, Greg was tossing a green over white Clouser with fairly heavy eyes. Clouser Minnows are by far the most popular fly in this area. A large arbor reel with a smooth drag finishes off the rig.

Sarasota fly fishing

Jack crevalle fly fishing strategies

One of the most important requirements when working schools of breaking jacks, or any other kind of breaking fish, is patience. It can get very exciting and sometimes intense as schools of fish erupt on the surface. Jack crevelle tend to move fairly quickly. I have experienced four hour charters where I have followed the same school of fish for several miles in that time span.

Other boats working the fish can complicate the situation as well. Successful anglers will resist the urge to go charging into the fish. It is much better to try to determine the direction and speed the fish are heading and then intercept them. One good, quality opportunity is much better than 10 shots that are less than ideal.

As mentioned above, the ideal situation is to have the fish blowup a nice easy cast away downwind. When this occurs, the best approach is to cast the fly right to the edge of the school. While the fish are very aggressive, it is possible to spook them by “lining” the fish. This means having the fly line land right on top of them. Also, by plucking a fish off the edge of the school it allows two anglers to work to same school. Finally, doing this will reduce the chance of the leader being caught on the backs of one of the other fish that are in the school.

fly fishing for jack crevelle

Once the fly lands, a fast, aggressive stripped will usually draw a strike. If the fish are working on the surface, the angler does not need to let the fly sink very far. With the rod tip low, near the surface of the water, the line is stripped sharply with a pause in between. When the take occurs, the line is pulled tight with the stripping hand and then the rod tip slowly raised. This is called a “strip set” and is used with most streamer fishing in both fresh and saltwater.

Fly casting to jack crevalle

Just because the fish are not feeding on the surface, do not assume that they have gone. Greg hooked a couple of his fish by casting into the area where the jacks had been recently seen. In this case, it is best to let the fly sink for several seconds before beginning the retrieve.

Once a Jack is hooked, if it is of any decent size, the angler will soon be “on the reel”. This means that all the loose fly line will be gone from his or her feet and the fish can be fought using the rod and reel. As the fight nears the end, it is important not to “high stick” the fish. This means raising the fly up high putting it in a severe arch. Many a fly rod has been broken by a large fish close to the boat, particularly in deep water.

The best technique is short pumps of the rod while taking up the slack with the reel. Anglers should try to keep the fly rod below the horizon. This not only gives the angler more power, but it will drastically reduce the chance of breaking your favorite fly rod!

fly fishing for jack crevalle

Jack crevelle in rivers and creeks

There is one situation where I do target jacks and that is in creeks, rivers, and canals in the winter. Jacks are a subtropical species and do not tolerate water temperature much below 60° for very long. Severe cold fronts will drop the water on the shallow flats as much is 10° in a couple days. However, the water and residential canals, creeks, and rivers is often significantly warmer. This will result in jacks as well as snook migrating into these areas, particularly if were having a cool winter.

One advantage to this type of fishing as that the fish become concentrated. These are relatively small areas, all things considered, especially if the tide is low. Winter is the dry season as well here in Florida. That means that most rivers will be fairly low. Jacks and other game fish will be concentrated in the holes and deeper sections of the rivers and creeks.

fly fishing for jacks

While jacks will occasionally forage on the surface in these areas, the vast majority are caught by anglers blind casting. For whatever reason, jack crevalle in backwater creeks and rivers just tend to not feed on the surface as much. However they do feed and remain aggressive. Also, once a productive area is located, multiple fish can usually be caught.

Sarasota rivers produce jack crevalle

The Braden River in particular is a terrific spot to target jack crevalle from December through March. It is a small river and is a tributary of the Manatee River, which can also be very productive. The Braden River is quite close to Tampa Bay. Jacks that spend their summer on the open flats of Tampa Bay move into both rivers in the winter to seek the warmer water and available forage. As an added bonus, snook, redfish, juvenile tarpon, and other species are available as well.

In conclusion, this article on fly fishing for jack crevalle will help anglers catch more of these terrific game fish on a fly rod!

Fly Fishing for Ladyfish – an Underrated Species!

fly fishing for ladyfish

Fly Fishing for Ladyfish – an Underrated Species!

This article will thoroughly cover fly fishing for ladyfish. Ladyfish are and underrated game fish species in my opinion. They strike savagely, leap high out of the water multiple times, are fast, and are a beautiful silvery fish. What more could an angler ask for?

My name is Capt. Jim Klopfer and I am a fly fishing guide in Sarasota, Florida. I target a wide variety of species on my trips. Whether targeted or not, ladyfish are often caught by anglers casting flies in our local waters.

Fly fishing for ladyfish

fly fishing for ladyfish

As mentioned above, ladyfish or an underappreciated species that are found in the warmer saltwater fisheries in the United States. Some anglers go so far is to consider them a nuisance. Others strictly use them as live or cut bait. Pound for pound, I’m not sure that there are any other fish that are as much fun to catch on fly as ladyfish.

Ladyfish school in large numbers and can be found throughout inshore waters along with passes and inlets and out on the beaches. They are seldom found very far offshore. I am positive that the fact that they school in large numbers attributes to their aggressiveness as natural competition takes place.

fly fishing for ladyfish

Ladyfish are an excellent species to target for novice anglers. I often use them as a “training” fish due to the fact that they are so aggressive and will readily take a fly. Also, larger ladyfish put up a great fight and will often get on the reel. If one escapes, it is no big deal as there are usually plenty more to catch. This is especially true when they are found feeding aggressively on the surface.

Best tackle for fly fishing for ladyfish

I use the same tackle when fly fishing for ladyfish as I do for my other inshore fishing. A 7wt or 8wt outfit with an intermediate sink tip line is perfect for most situations. Ladyfish do not grow larger than several pounds so no need to go heavier on the tackle. The 8wt does come in handy on a breezy day or when a heavier fly is required to get down to the fish.

Spanish mackerel fishing flies

Fly selection is pretty simple as well. I use a Clouser Minnow pattern on the majority of my fly fishing charters in Sarasota. It is a versatile fly that can be worked throughout the entire water column and catches everything. On days when Spanish mackerel and bluefish are mixed in, I use a D.T. Special variation with a long shank hook that helps reduce cutoffs.

Once again, I use the same leaders when fly fishing for ladyfish as I do when fly fishing for other inshore species. Anglers can use a tapered leader with an 18 inch piece of 30 pound bite tippet. I often use a simple leader consisting of 4 feet of 50 pound test and 4 feet of 30 pound test fluorocarbon. Since I am almost always using weighted flies, there is no issue with the leader turning over.

Fly fishing for ladyfish on the deep flats

catching ladyfish on a fly rod

The most productive technique when fly fishing for ladyfish, at least in my area, is drifting the deep grass flats. These are large areas between 5 feet deep and 10 feet deep with submerged vegetation. The grass or vegetation is the key, as it attracts the forage such as shrimp, crabs, and small bait fish that the ladyfish feed on.

This is a fairly simple technique that anglers can use when fly fishing to catch ladyfish and a variety of other species. As the boat drifts across the flat with the wind and the tide, anglers cast the fly out ahead of the boat. The fly and line are allowed to sink and are then retrieved back into the boat.

fly fishing

In most cases, a fast aggressive retrieves works best. Hard 12 inch to 18 inch strips followed by a pause will usually draw the most strikes. At times, the primary challenge can be actually stripping the fly fast enough. Ladyfish are very aggressive and in many cases the angler stripping the fly as fast as he or she can will produce the best results.

If the drift produces, the boat can be idled around and then repeated. If not, time to look for another spot. Ladyfish school in fairly large numbers in many cases, and wants some action is found that area should be worked thoroughly. They may also be encountered feeding on the surface as they corral a bunch of helpless bait fish.

fly fishing for speckled trout

The added bonus when fly fishing for ladyfish on the deep grass flats is that anglers will almost certainly encounter other species as well. The same flies and retrieves that produce ladyfish will catch Spanish mackerel, speckled trout, bluefish, pompano, jack crevalle, and other species.

Read more about fly fishing for speckled trout

Fly fishing for ladyfish in passes and inlets

Ladyfish will often times be found in big numbers in passes and inlets. “Pass” is just a term used on the Gulf Coast for an inlet, they are for all effect the same thing. Passes and inlets are natural feeding stations as water flow is fast between the inshore bays and the open Ocean and Gulf of Mexico.

The primary challenge anglers face when fly fishing passes and inlets for ladyfish is getting the fly deep enough. Often times the water is deeper, up to 15 or 20 feet, and when combined with a fairly strong current, getting the fly deep enough can be a challenge. The good news is that ladyfish often feed high up in the water column.

fly fishing for ladyfish

Anglers can certainly use a sinking line as well. I have a 350 grain sinking line on a nine weight that will get the fly down to the bottom and deep water and in a strong current. However, this is not the easiest line for novice anglers to use. The entire line must be brought up out of the water, roll cast, then cast out. It is a bit “clunky” for those not used to fishing with heavy sinking lines, but can be extremely effective when fish are in deeper water.

As when fishing the flats, anglers fly fishing for ladyfish in the passes and inlets will do best with a fast, aggressive retrieves. Toothy fish species such as bluefish and Spanish mackerel are often found in these locations as well. If cutoffs occur, anglers can bump up the bite tippet to 40 pounds or 50 pounds or even go to a short trace of wire. This is one situation where my D.T. Special variation tied on a long shank hook works well.

Fly fishing for ladyfish off the beach

fly fishing off the beach

Anglers fly fishing for ladyfish can certainly catch them without the aid of a boat as well. In most cases, the best opportunity for this is to do so right off the beach. Ladyfish will often be found within a cast from shore, especially in the warmer months when bait fish are abundant. Late spring, summer, and early fall are generally the best times to experience this action.

Anglers can walk the beach in search of fish or blind cast for them. There are times when one technique will be more effective than the other. Obviously, it is great fun casting into schools of breaking fish. However, there will be plenty of times when the fish will not be seen feeding on the surface. Anglers should never pass up an opportunity when schools of bait fish are seen, as ladyfish and other game fish will often be found close by.

fishing Spanish mackerel

As with other types of fly fishing for ladyfish, fast aggressive retrieves work best. Also, anglers can expect to catch other species such as Spanish mackerel, bluefish, jacks, speckled trout, and even snook. White is usually the best color in clear water.

In conclusion, this article on fly fishing for ladyfish will help anglers catch more of these under appreciated hard fighting little game fish They did not not earn their nickname “poor man’s tarpon”for nothing!

Fly Fishing for Speckled Trout (Spotted Sea Trout)

fly fishing for speckled trout

Fly Fishing for Speckled trout (Spotted Sea Trout

In this article I will thoroughly cover fly fishing for speckled trout. Speckled trout are also known as spotted sea trout. They are a very popular inshore saltwater species that are found all along the Gulf Coast and up the Atlantic to Chesapeake Bay. Speckled trout are a beautiful fish that readily take a fly.

My name is Capt. Jim Klopfer and I am a fly fishing guide in Sarasota, Florida. Speckled trout are one of the primary species that my anglers pursue. They are generally available all year long, except for in periods of extreme cold. Speckled trout are a gorgeous fish that will hit a fly hard, though perhaps they do not put up a spirited a bite as some other game fish.

Sarasota flats fishing

Techniques used when fly fishing for speckled trout

There are two distinct techniques that I use when fly fishing for speckled trout. These are fishing the deep grass flats and fishing the shallow flats. Speckled trout are by far more numerous on the deeper grass flats. These are submerged weed beds or areas of vegetation and water between 4 feet deep and 10 feet deep, depending on water clarity. This is where the schools of trout are found.

Anglers seeking a trophy speckled trout one fly fishing will do best to target shallow water. This sounds counterintuitive to a degree, but the larger trout are loners and are found in shallow water quite often. Perhaps as they get larger they do not need the safety of numbers, who knows. Some of the largest trout caught in Florida and other states are done so in water that is less than 18 inches deep.

fly fishing for speckled trout

Fly fishing tackle for speckled trout

The tackle used when fly fishing for speckled trout is pretty much the same as I use on my other inshore saltwater fishing charters. An 8wt outfit is perfect as it will cover a wide variety of conditions. Anglers can certainly drop down to a 7wt or even a 6wt if desired. However, the 8wt dozen excellent all round job when tossing a weighted flies on a breezy day.

One mistake anglers often make when fishing the deep flats is to use a floating line. Even with a heavy weighted flies such as a Clouser Minnow, the fly will often not get deep enough when using a floating line. I use an intermediate clear sink tip line on 95% of my saltwater fishing charters. I just believe it is the most versatile and practical for this application.

Sarasota fly fishing charters

Anglers fly fishing for speckled trout in shallow water can certainly use a floating line. The technique here is to either sight cast to speckled trout (which are very hard to see on a grassy bottom) or blind cast to pot holes, bars, and grass beds. A floating line works best in this situation with unweighted flies such as deceiver patterns and surface flies such as poppers or gurglers being the best choice.

Leaders and flies for speckled trout

I generally use a 9 foot tapered leader with an 18 inch bite tippet of 25 pound test fluorocarbon for most of my fly fishing for speckled trout. While speckled trout do not really have cutting teeth, the bite tippet will result in more fish landed, especially if a snook, jack, or other toothy fish is encountered. I will also use at times a simple leader of 4 feet of 40 pound fluorocarbon followed by 4 feet of 25 pound fluorocarbon. Since I am almost always using a weighted fly, the leader will turn over fine with this set up.

Sarasota fly fishing

Fly selection is pretty easy as well; I almost always use a Clouser Minnow. It is the premier saltwater fishing fly and works well for speckled trout as well as many other species. In fact, one of the things I most enjoyed about fishing the deep grass flats is the variety. Anglers will catch ladyfish, jacks, mackerel, bluefish, pompano, and other species when pursuing speckled trout.

White, chartreuse over white, and olive over white are my favorite colors. Other popular patterns include deceiver patterns, crystal minnow patterns, and D.T. Special patterns. In reality, just about any shrimp or baitfish fly pattern when properly presented will catch a speckled trout.

Sarasota fly fishing

Fly fishing for speckled trout on the deep grass flats

The vast majority of the speckled trout are caught by anglers fly fishing while drifting the deep grass flats. This is an efficient way to fish and is easy for anglers of all experience levels to do. Anglers cast the fly out ahead of the drifting boat, allow it to sink, and strip the fly back in. This allows for the angler to cover a lot of water in search of speckled trout. Once fish are located, the area can be read drifted.

Sarasota fly fishing charters

Often times, I keep an anchor handy tied off to the stern and simply dip it into the water when a school of trout is located. This then allows us to thoroughly cover an area with multiple casts and at multiple depths to maximize that particular bunch of fish.

The best technique is to cast the fly out and allow it to sink for 5 to 10 seconds. Then, with the rod tip held low near the surface of the water the fly is stripped in using brisk 12 inch to 18 inch strips. Often times the trout hits on the pause in between strips. When a speckled trout takes the fly, the angler strips sets, using the stripping can to pull the fly line type and embed the fly in the fishes mouth. The rod tip is then race. Smaller speckled trout can be stripped in while a larger fish will make a run and get on the reel.

It is best when choosing a flat to fly fish for speckled trout if the wind and tide are moving in the same direction. Ideally, the wind will be over the anglers casting shoulder. This will result in a good clean drift. Conversely, trying to drift a flat where the wind and tide oppose each other will result in the boat crabbing sideways.

fly fishing for Spanish mackerel

Again, one of the things I enjoy most about fly fishing the deep grass flats is the variety. While speckled trout maybe the primary quarry, anglers will certainly encounter other species as well. These include hard fighting Spanish mackerel and bluefish, jack crevalle, ladyfish,pompano, and maybe even a cobia or some other very large fish!

Read my article on fly fishing for Spanish mackerel

As mentioned earlier, the largest speckled trout are often caught in very shallow water. These are caught by anglers drifting in flats boats or by wading. Often times, getting out of the boat and wading is the best approach as it allows anglers to quietly and thoroughly cover the area. It can be difficult to sight fish for speckled trout as a blended so well to the bottom.

Sarasota fly fishing charters

The best way to have success when fly fishing for speckled trout in very shallow water is to fish “potholes”. These are slight indentations in an otherwise featureless flat. While the depth change can be as little as a half a foot, he can make a big difference, especially on very low water. Speckled trout will have no other places to go and will be found staging in these holes.

Fly fishing for speckled trout in shallow water

These potholes range greatly in size. A pothole that is only a few feet across may hold a fish or two. Conversely, a larger pothole that is 40 or 50 feet across may hold an entire school of fish. The best approach with larger holes is to try to cast to the edge of the hole and pull fish out away from it. That way it will not ruin opportunities for more fish. On the smaller potholes, anglers cast to the far edge and bring the fly back through the hole.

Seeking unweighted flies do not do as well in this situation as a will quickly hang up in the grass. Surface flies such as poppers are great fun and productive, especially if the water is warm. In colder water situations, subsurface flies such as gotchas and deceivers work well.

Fly fishing for speckled trout at night

Anglers can also do well fly fishing for speckled trout at night. This is almost always done around some type of light and the water. This can be a bridge or dock for the most part. The light will attract small bait fish and shrimp in this in turn will attract the game fish. In areas of Florida where they exist, snook are commonly caught using this technique.

The best approach is to cast the fly up current of the light and let the tide bring the fly through the lighted area. The speckled trout will dart out and grab the fly. Small bait fish patterns such as glass minnow, Crystal minnow, deceiver, and Clouser patterns tied with light weights or bead chain eyes work very well. White is the best color with a little silver or flash in most situations.

In conclusion, this article on fly fishing for speckled trout will help anglers catch more of these plentiful in popular inshore saltwater species on the long rod!

Fly Fishing for Bluefish – a Complete Guide!

fly fishing for bluefish

Fly fishing for bluefish

The subject of this post is fly fishing for bluefish. Bluefish are voracious predator fish that swim and hunt in schools. They are almost always very aggressive and fairly easy to entice to bite. Some anglers chasing other species consider bluefish to be a nuisance, but nobody can dispute that they put up a terrific fight!

Bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix, are the only member of that Pomatomus family. They are found in temperate and subtropical water throughout the work. Bluefish feed aggressively and fight very hard. They are edible, but not considered to be a top species to eat.

fly fishing for bluefish

My name is Capt Jim Klopfer and I am a fishing guide in Sarasota, Florida. I grew up in Maryland, fishing for bluefish in Chesapeake Bay. The fish we get in Florida are smaller, averaging 2-5 pounds. However, they are great fun on light fly tackle. I will share some tips that I have learned over the years catching these hard-fighting fish.

fly fishing for bluefish

Fly fishing for bluefish

Unlike many other saltwater species, anglers fly fishing for bluefish have no problem getting them to take a fly. In most instances, finding bluefish equates to catching them. Bluefish school up in large numbers. That competition results in them being even more aggressive than they already are.

fly fishing

Bluefish are often seen feeding on the surface. They round up whatever bait fish are in the area, trapping them against the surface. This can be easily seen on a calm day. Diving birds are an indication as well. At times, a “slick” can even be seen (and smelled) on the surface after a feeding spree.

Anglers fly fishing for bluefish certainly catch them blind casting as well. This is often done in an area where they have been recently seen or caught. I often drift grass flats in 6′ to 10′ of water, blind casting for bluefish and other species. Inlets are top spots as well. Bluefish are a pelagic species, which results on them always being on the move. Successful anglers do not stay in one spot too long if the action is slow.

Fly fishing tackle for bluefish

The primary factor when choosing a rod and reel combination when fly fishing for bluefish is the size of the fish. Wind and fly size are secondary factors. In Florida where I fish, an 8wt is a good all round outfit as our fish rarely exceed 5 pounds. Anglers fishing where larger fish are present will do better with heavier tackle. A 10wt works well in most situations in the Northeast where the bluefish tend to run larger.

Sarasota fly fishing charters

I personally use an intermediate sink tip line for the vast majority of my fly fishing, and bluefish are no exception. Even when fish are on the surface, anglers can fish on top simply by beginning the retrieve as soon as the fly lands. This line offers the versatility of fishing deeper when that is required. A floating line certainly works and is easier to pick up.

Leader selection is pretty basic as well. I use a simple two piece leader with a 4′ 50 lb butt section followed by 3′-4” of 30 lb leader. Die to the smaller fish I have, I usually just tie the fly to the 30 lb tippet. However, anglers fishing for larger bluefish will do better with a short piece of tie-able wire. If the bite is tough, 50-60 lb flourocarbon can be used.

Spanish mackerel fly

Fly selection is also pretty simple. Anglers do not need to spend a bunch of time tying extravagant flies for bluefish. In most cases, bluefish will hit almost any fly that is presented in front of them. Any simply bait fish pattern will produce. I use Clouser patterns and a D.T. Special variation (it reduces cut-offs better) in white most of the time. Poppers are fun when the surface bite is on.

Top techniques when fly fishing for bluefish

fly fishing bluefish

The two basic bluefish fishing techniques are blind casting and fishing for “breaking” fish. These are bluefish that are feeding visually on the surface. The techniques are similar, but are just a bit different and will be covered separately.

Stripping the fly and setting the hook

In both blind casting and fishing to breaking fish, the basic stripping and hook setting techniques are the same when fly fishing for bluefish. The only real difference is that when blind casting, the fly is allowed to sink to the desired depth.

Sarasota inshore Gulf

The fly is cast out and either allowed to sink or the retrieve starts right away. With the rod tip held low, near the surface, the fly is stripped in using hard, fast strips. Sometimes a pause in between strips will draw a strike, other times a fast, constant retrieve works best. Anglers should always experiment to see what the fish want that day.

When a bluefish takes the fly, anglers need to resist the urge to set the hook by raising the rod. Instead, the angler should pull the fly line sharply using the stripping hand. This is called a “strip set” and works much better when using streamers on bluefish and most other species as well. Once the line is tight, the anglers can smoothly raise the rod tip and fight the fish.

Smaller bluefish can be brought in by simply stripping the line in by hand. Larger fish will make a run and get “on the reel”. They can then be fought using the rod and reel, just keep those knuckles clear when it makes a run!

bluefish on a fly rod

Fly fishing for bluefish on the surface

Fly fishing for bluefish when they are feeding on the surface is great sport! It is obvious where the fish are located and a properly presented fly is almost certain to be devoured. When fishing from a boat, it is best to place the boat up wind (or up-tide) and allow the boat to drift into the fish.

Whether fishing from shore or a boat, it is best to cast to the edge of the school of fish. This will help prevent cut-offs from other bluefish in the school. They will actually strike the line as it moves through them quickly. Basically, they are hitting anything that moves!

Anglers fly fishing for bluefish will encounter other species as well when scanning the surface for feeding fish. Striped bass, Spanish mackerel, jack crevalle, and false albacore are commonly found doing this. All will take the same flies, though the leader may need to be lighter, especially in clear water. False albacore in particular can be fussy.

bluefish on fly

Fly fishing for bluefish from shore

Anglers fly fishing for bluefish can certainly achieve success without using a boat. In the Northeast, bluefish “blitzes” occur in the surf, and this is great fun! The same techniques apply, the biggest issue is line management in the wind and rough surf. A stripping basket is often used to combat this.

Jetties are excellent spots to fly fish for bluefish and other species. Inlets are natural routes that game fish will use. On the falling tide, inlets are used as feeding stations to ambush prey caught in the current. Anglers just need to be careful on the slippery rocks.

In conclusion, this article on fly fishing for bluefish will help anglers with a fly rod catch more of these terrific saltwater game fish!


Fly Fishing for Spanish Mackerel – Tips from a Florida Guide!

fly fishing for Spanish mackere

Fly fishing for Spanish mackerel – Tips from a Florida Guide!

This article will thoroughly cover fly fishing for Spanish mackerel. Spanish mackerel are a beautiful and hard-fighting game fish species. They are found throughout the world in temperate waters. In the United stated, Spanish mackerel are caught from Texas and all along the Gulf Coast and up the mid-Atlantic coast.

My name is Capt Jim Klopfer and I am a fly fishing guide in Sarasota, Florida. I fish for a variety of species throughout the season. However, Spanish mackerel are one of my favorite species to target. They hit a fly hard, are beautiful, make long, powerful runs, are are fine eating for anglers wanting to keep a fish or two.

Fly fishing for Spanish mackerel

Sarasota inshore Gulf

There are several reasons why I enjoy fly fishing for Spanish mackerel as much as I do. First off, often times the action is visual. Spanish mackerel will trap bait fish against the surface, feeding aggressively. This can be seen from a distance away on a calm day. Diving birds are a great indication that feeding game fish are in the vicinity. Just about any fly cast into the fish will draw a strike.

Very few game fish hit a fly as hard as a Spanish mackerel does; there is nothing subtle about the take! Add to that the fact that anglers are often stripping very fast and only adds to the ferocity of the strike. It is not uncommon to have the line yanked from the stripping hand.

Spanish mackerel fly fishing tackle

For most anglers fly fishing for Spanish mackerel, a 7wt outfit is perfect. In areas where the fish run particularly large or when false albacore are mixed in, anglers can bump up to an 8wt or 9wt outfit. A good reel with a smooth drag and plenty of backing is required.

fly fishing for Spanish mackerel

I use Orvis tackle, though I am not affiliated with them, I just like the equipment. They offer less expensive choices as well as quality top of the line rods and reels. St Croix, TFO, and other manufacturers offer good tackle at a reasonable price.

I personally like an intermediate sink tip line. It is more versatile that a floating line, yet will still work well when fish are feeding on the surface. Floating lines are great when fish are on top as anglers can pick up the line easily. Many anglers simple keep two outfit rigged up, one with a floating line and another with the sink tip.

Sarasota inshore Gulf

For the majority of my fly fishing, I use a very simple leader. It consists of 5′ of 50 lb butt section and then 4′ of 30 lb tippet. I mostly use weighted flies, so the leader turns over easily. Also, I seldom use wire, despite the shark teeth that Spanish mackerel possess. I accept the inevitable cut-offs as the cost of doing business. If the bite is really on, I will bump up the tippet to 50 lb or even add a short piece of tie-able wire.

Top Spanish mackerel flies

Spanish mackerel fishing flies

Fly selection is pretty simple when it comes to fly fishing for Spanish mackerel. Any bait fish pattern fly will fool them. White is a great all round choice, with natural colors also being productive. In most cases, actively feeding mackerel are not fussy. Top flies include Clouser Minnow, Lefty’s Deceiver, and D.T. Special patterns. Poppers and surface flies produce, though I personally rarely use them. Again, there really is no limit to the choices.

Spanish mackerel are hard on flies! Anglers who tie their own quickly realize that there is no need to get fancy when fly fishing for Spanish mackerel. Some anglers find synthetic material to be more durable, but I still like to tie with buck tail. My personal favorite fly by far is a D.T. Special variation that a buddy showed me. It is tied on a long shank hook, which greatly reduces cut-offs.

Spanish mackerel fly

The fly is easy to tie. 2-3 white feathers are tied splayed at the rear. A little hair and flash are tied in on top at the rear. The fly can be fished like this or bead chain or dumbbell eyes can be added for a bit of weight. It is an economical fly that is easy to tie and is extremely effective on a variety of fish, particularly Spanish mackerel.

Spanish mackerel fly fishing techniques

fly fishing for Spanish mackerel

There are two basic techniques used when fly fishing for Spanish mackerel. These are casting to “breaking fish (those feeding on the surface) and blind casting in a likely spot. Both techniques are similar, but with enough differences to cover them separately.

I always use a strip set when saltwater fly fishing, and Spanish mackerel are no exception. When the fish takes, the rod tip is kept low and the angler sharply sets the hook by pulling the line with the stripping hand. The rod can then be smoothly raised and the fight ensues! This is much more effective that setting the hook with the rod tip, as is often done when freshwater fishing.

fly fishing

Once the fish is hooked, it will make a run. Smaller fish can be handled by stripping the line by hand. Larger mackerel will take up the slack in the fly line and can then be fought “on the reel”. Keep those knuckles clear when it makes a run!

Spanish mackerel usually prefer a fast moving fly. Anglers sometimes resort to the two handed strip. This involves having the rod tucked under the arm and both hands are used to strip the fly as fast as humanly possible. Needless to say, the strikes are explosive!

Fly fishing for breaking Spanish mackerel

There is no greater fun when fly fishing that to cast to “breaking” fish. In this case I am covering Spanish mackerel, but the tip apply to striped bass, bluefish, jacks, ladyfish, false albacore and other species as well. The bite is virtually guaranteed in this situation! This occurs in the inshore Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean in the United States.

Sarasota inshore Gulf

The prime consideration when casting to Spanish mackerel is boat position. Ideally, the boat is placed upwind of the fish with the breeze over the casting shoulder. The cast is made and the fly is stripped back in as fast as possible. At times, allowing the fly to sink a bit and using an erratic retrieve with pauses will be more effective.

Patience can be required with this type of fishing. One mistake I often see is anglers charging all over when fish pop up. A better approach is to take time to idle into position and wait for a good opportunity. One great thing about Spanish mackerel as opposed to other species (false albacore can drive me insane) is that once they come up, Spanish mackerel will often stay up for extended periods of time. When they go down, anglers can get bit by casting in the area they were last seen and allowing the fly to sink a bit.

Blind casting for Spanish mackerel

Sarasota fly fishing charters

While Spanish mackerel are great fun when they are encountered feeding on the surface, my clients catch more fish by blind casting. This occurs on the deeper flats as well as in the passes and inlets. Anglers fishing from the shore and in the surf can score by blind casting as well.

This is where the intermediate sink tip line really makes a difference. A floating line, even when used with a weighted fly, will often not get down deep enough in the water column. The intermediate line will do so, that extra few feet of depth is very important.

I usually blind cast from a drifting boat. The boat is placed up-wind of the area that I want to fish. This is usually an area of submerged grass, but can be anyplace that I think fish will be present. Passes and inlets are good spots. Also, I may drift an area where I see birds, bait, or the occasional fish popping.

Sarasota flats fishing

The fly is cast out, allowed to sink, then retrieved back in using fast, aggressive strips. The take will often occur during the pause, as the fly sits motionless, seemingly helpless. One great benefit of this technique is that a wide variety of species will be caught, depending on the location. Here in Sarasota where I fish, speckled trout, jacks, bluefish, pompano, ladyfish, and other species are commonly caught by blind casting.

Fly fishing for Spanish mackerel from shore

Anglers without a boat can certainly enjoy fly fishing for Spanish mackerel as well. The same basic techniques apply, the angler just has a bit less mobility. Breaking fish can be encountered from jetties, piers, and from the surf. Blind casting will produce in these areas as well.

 fishing Spanish mackerel

We are fortunate here on the Gulf Coast to have mild waves and fairly calm seas. This makes for excellent fly fishing opportunities in the surf. Spanish mackerel will be taken close to shore when the conditions are right. East winds will result in clear water and flat seas. Bait fish will move in, followed by the mackerel.

In conclusion, this article on fly fishing for Spanish mackerel will help anglers catch more of these underrated saltwater game fish!